Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Every moment that presents itself, is a learning blessing:

The wise ones always emphasize that we should live in the moment. Certainly neglecting the depth of this advice, I always considered it sheer propaganda. Little did I know then, that every moment is  magical, unique and with breathe-taking lessons, experiences that come with it. When one is busy focusing on the past or worried/anxious about the future, the moment is busy sailing away with its treasures. Many of these treasures include but are not limited to lessons that may never present themselves again. It is like looking at the sun and missing out on its warmth, the beauty in its rays and the vitamins it freely provides to our bodies. It is not only important to focus on the moment, but also vital for one’s personal growth and survival. However with the ever changing worldly environment, there are so many distractions that grab one’s intention to focus on a particular moment. The challenge is ours to separate ourselves from what was, or will be and learn from what is.

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