Monday, July 25, 2011

Break down to Break through and then Break free.

So, there you are entangled in your little world of doubt, worry and anger. Things seem really bad. I mean, really bad. You are exhausted, disgusted. "Why me?" You ask. "Why do I have to go through this gross stuff?" You beat up and wear your mental self out. You are probably witnessing your world crumble bit by bit. You think you are doomed. Little do you know that break downs are like vacuums, specifically facilitated by a universal vibration, to create space for a Break Through - a Break Through from old paradigms and stuff that you no longer need, and this move is engineered by God in order to provide you with a "Break Free." Free from a corrupted perception, free from an old parasitic relationship, free from a stressing job. Free from all the things that have sucked out the best in you.

The good news is that once you change your perception and become more open minded, there is likability for a more pleasurable experience.

For details about how to achieve this incredible mental state, check out my new mystery, humor and inspirational book, Do not Force it, Tap the Good. This book will CHANGE your life. I guarantee you. You can get your copy from either Amazon or Banes and Noble by simply typing in the book title or visit my website at

Read as you get inspired.
With love from the author.

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