Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Take control of your TONGUE

God gave us the free will to use our tongues and tap into sound to create speech. Many times, we speak without thought; only to regret what we said. I don’t care what kind of magician you are, if you say anything, you can never take it back inside yourself. If you are lucky, you might have a chance to apologize or re-phrase your statement to whoever you were speaking to. If you are unlucky, he/she will grab onto whatever you have said and bitterly go away with that. The consequences may not be pretty. Another danger is when you constantly tell yourself garbage.  “I am ugly; am growing old; am broke; am lonely; am dead etc” My dear, trust me you are creating garbage in your life. The bad new news is that words are energetic. Once spoken with conviction and/or repetitively, they rush to the subconscious mind where they lay waiting to create your world. The good news is that the subconscious mind is accommodative. It works like a weighing machine or a see-saw. Between positives and negatives, whatever overweighs the other, takes over. 

For the month of February, let’s all attempt to think before we speak, both to others and ourselves. Whenever we open our mouths, let the words that come out of us be positive, inspiring and/or loving.

Wake up every morning, look at yourself in the mirror and confidently tell yourself the following affirmation: “I am beautiful and a perfect creation of God. He dwells within me and creates my world to perfection. I love myself. I am blessed and loved more than all the words, in all the books, in the entire world”. Smile, and let the day embrace you as it does to a sun-ray. Common babe, be the sun in your world; SHINE!!
 Pls follow me at cinta_mcinta@twitter, Jacinta Mpalyenkana and LinkedIn and Jacinta author tapthegood@facebook

Monday, January 16, 2012


Happy Happy New year: KEEP DREAMING:- DON'T BE DISCOURAGED.: If anyone told you that it is a cup of tea to genuinely smile through a disappointment, then he/she has some pretence going. Bad times are t...


If anyone told you that it is a cup of tea to genuinely smile through a disappointment, then he/she has some pretence going. Bad times are tormenting, leave alone discouraging, and in most cases if whatever has happened is the very opposite of one’s heart’s desires, he/she might feel like the world is closing in. However, even then, one has to realize that not everything happening at a particular time is visible. For instance I am certain that as you read this blog, you are breathing, but do you see the oxygen? Don’t answer that. The point I am trying to make is that, every event that occurs manifests both visibly and invisibly. One’s two eyes will witness the visible part, however the invisible part can only be viewed by the mind’s eye – “the third eye”. The latter eye is only functional when the other two are closed, and one is still and completely non-judgmental. This state of mind can be challenging to get to, especially if one’s thoughts are blogged with too many ideas or questions about how best to get out of his/her situation. Be encouraged that for every question, there is an answer. For every problem, there is a solution. For whatever is bad, there is something so amazingly good happening, although it may not be visible at that time, or in the process of revealing itself. So my dear, do not be discouraged. Keep pushing, keep hoping, keep dreaming. It is part of the human existence. For more check out http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1461079098 or www.tapthegood.com.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Happy Holidays: What does it take to be a writer?

Happy Holidays: What does it take to be a writer?: What does it take to be a writer?

What does it take to be a writer?

What does it take to be a writer?

Happy Holidays: Every moment that presents itself, is a learning b...

Happy New Year: Every moment that presents itself, is a learning b...: The wise ones always emphasize that we should live in the moment. Certainly neglecting the depth of this advice, I always considered it shee...

Every moment that presents itself, is a learning blessing:

The wise ones always emphasize that we should live in the moment. Certainly neglecting the depth of this advice, I always considered it sheer propaganda. Little did I know then, that every moment is  magical, unique and with breathe-taking lessons, experiences that come with it. When one is busy focusing on the past or worried/anxious about the future, the moment is busy sailing away with its treasures. Many of these treasures include but are not limited to lessons that may never present themselves again. It is like looking at the sun and missing out on its warmth, the beauty in its rays and the vitamins it freely provides to our bodies. It is not only important to focus on the moment, but also vital for one’s personal growth and survival. However with the ever changing worldly environment, there are so many distractions that grab one’s intention to focus on a particular moment. The challenge is ours to separate ourselves from what was, or will be and learn from what is.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Happy Holidays: When the world tests your weaknesses....

Happy Holidays: When the world tests your weaknesses....: It is Sunday afternoon and you are still turning and tossing in bed. You went to bed at 3.00a.m, because you couldn’t sleep. Is that you? Ar...

When the world tests your weaknesses....

It is Sunday afternoon and you are still turning and tossing in bed. You went to bed at 3.00a.m, because you couldn’t sleep. Is that you? Are you still bothered about what your purpose is in life? Have you failed at almost everything you have done? How old are you? Don't answer that. But you are probably single, despondent and worried that you will die lonely and poor. Do not despair. You are not alone. It is a phase that can end if you make the right choices. Do not Force It, Tap the Good, is a humorous and Inspirational Book that will uplift you in ways you have never imagined; because it is not superficial. It shares real life experiences that you will easily resonate with. Get your paperback copy at www.tapthegood.com, or https://createspace.com/title/3594241. Kindle version is discounted to just $4.99 until the end of January. Stop procrastinating. You are not living anyone’s life, but yours.