Monday, December 12, 2011
If you can start a new day, you can start new things.: How to gain from a manipulative selfish friend
If you can start a new day, you can start new things.: How to gain from a manipulative selfish friend: A manipulative selfish friend who is always looking out to get as much as she/he can from you, but never offering to help you in anyway; or...
How to gain from a manipulative selfish friend

- Selfish people are usually overly confident. Benchmark some of your friend's confident attributes and learn from them.
- If you don't love yourself enough to know what is right or wrong for you, a selfish person will use you until you learn to respect yourself enough to stand up for yourself. The good in this, is that you will eventually get tired of their crap and set some standards. At times it takes such characters to elicit one to love him/herself.
- Hanging around these guys will teach you how to communicate calmly under anger generating situations. Since selfish people are very annoiying, dealing with them on a regular basis strengthens one's ability to remain calm under pressure. Of course it is a choice, and a process at the same time. However, nevertheless, it is worth the pain.
Therefore, embrace your selfish friends and be grateful for the life lessons they are soliciting for you, and moreover free of charge.
Happy Holidays - Book now available on kindle.
Monday, August 1, 2011
The Truth about Depression: The truth about Depression
The Truth about Depression: The truth about Depression: "How do you feel today? Are you depressed about how depressed you are? What is depressing you? Do you feel like this depression is overshad..."
The Truth about Depression: The truth about Depression
The Truth about Depression: The truth about Depression: "How do you feel today? Are you depressed about how depressed you are? What is depressing you? Do you feel like this depression is overshad..."
The humor / inspirational book - Tap the Good: The truth about Depression
The humor / inspirational book - Tap the Good: The truth about Depression: "How do you feel today? Are you depressed about how depressed you are? What is depressing you? Do you feel like this depression is overshad..."
The truth about Depression
How do you feel today? Are you depressed about how depressed you are? What is depressing you? Do you feel like this depression is overshadowing your experience in life today?
Do you know that depression is just a perception?
Apparently, what you allow yourself to perceive is what weaves its design in your life. If you change your perception and refocus on the solutions rather than the depression, then you have a grip on a better life free of depression. Do not let depression, a sheer lie, parasite your naturally magnificent attitude about life. Remember, all good feelings lie within you. You have a key that can access them anytime. You are the creator of your life’s experiences. Reach within yourself and reject that vampiring depressive feeling, only to realize that there is so much good surrounding us, all the time.
To get simplified guidelines of how to, look out for my new humor, mystery and inspirational book titled, Do not Force it, Tap the Good. You will have a laugh as you ignite your happy thoughts. Get a copy for yourself from or simply type the title in
I wish you a smooth journey as you rescue yourself from that lie of being depressed. And I welcome you to a more fulfilling life. Enjoy the read.
Peace and blessings from the author.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
The humor / inspirational book - Tap the Good: Time management Verse life management
The humor / inspirational book - Tap the Good: Time management Verse life management: "What is the essence of living a life when time keeps behaving as though it is running a marathon to win? How can one honestly relax when the..."
Time management Verse life management
What is the essence of living a life when time keeps behaving as though it is running a marathon to win? How can one honestly relax when the clock is ticking, bills are multiplying, age is increasing, and opportunities are robustly passing by? Of late, when it clicks 12.00p.m., the day is basically gone. Before you even know it, it is already 6.00p.m. In most cases, you may feel like holding the time hand and stopping it from moving. “I haven’t accomplished a thing.” You lament. “Life is unfair.” You continue. But time ignores and mocks you by confidently continuing to do its thing. You then sit down to examine how much you have done. This is when you discover that you have actually busted your ass. However, the corresponding rewards are nowhere to be seen.
Living life is not like a dress rehearsal where one tries on a few clothes in the quest to decide what to wear. With life, every decision and every move are important. Time doesn’t feel pitiful for you when you make the same mistakes over and over and over again. It keeps moving. So, what are you doing with your time? How are you managing it? How do you perceive life?
For guidelines and answers check out my new and inspirational book, titled:- Do not Force it, Tap the Good from or simply type the title in or banes and noble and details will pop up. Have a laugh as you get inspired.
Monday, July 25, 2011
The humor / inspirational book - Tap the Good: Break down to Break through and then Break free.
The humor / inspirational book - Tap the Good: Break down to Break through and then Break free.: "So, there you are entangled in your little world of doubt, worry and anger. Things seem really bad. I mean, really bad. You are exhausted, d..."
Break down to Break through and then Break free.
So, there you are entangled in your little world of doubt, worry and anger. Things seem really bad. I mean, really bad. You are exhausted, disgusted. "Why me?" You ask. "Why do I have to go through this gross stuff?" You beat up and wear your mental self out. You are probably witnessing your world crumble bit by bit. You think you are doomed. Little do you know that break downs are like vacuums, specifically facilitated by a universal vibration, to create space for a Break Through - a Break Through from old paradigms and stuff that you no longer need, and this move is engineered by God in order to provide you with a "Break Free." Free from a corrupted perception, free from an old parasitic relationship, free from a stressing job. Free from all the things that have sucked out the best in you.
The good news is that once you change your perception and become more open minded, there is likability for a more pleasurable experience.
For details about how to achieve this incredible mental state, check out my new mystery, humor and inspirational book, Do not Force it, Tap the Good. This book will CHANGE your life. I guarantee you. You can get your copy from either Amazon or Banes and Noble by simply typing in the book title or visit my website at
Read as you get inspired.
With love from the author.
The good news is that once you change your perception and become more open minded, there is likability for a more pleasurable experience.
For details about how to achieve this incredible mental state, check out my new mystery, humor and inspirational book, Do not Force it, Tap the Good. This book will CHANGE your life. I guarantee you. You can get your copy from either Amazon or Banes and Noble by simply typing in the book title or visit my website at
Read as you get inspired.
With love from the author.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
The humor / inspirational book - Tap the Good: Are you really, really happy?
The humor / inspirational book - Tap the Good: Are you really, really happy?: "Man’s ultimate pursuit is the achievement of maximum unconditional happiness. How can this state of mind be achieved with all the negativity..."
Are you really, really happy?
Man’s ultimate pursuit is the achievement of maximum unconditional happiness. How can this state of mind be achieved with all the negativity surrounding us? How do we get out of our self limiting attitudes and fully embrace the inexhaustible good that is always available for us to tap into?
I f you want to know how, please check out my new humor, mystery and inspirational book, titled Do not force it, Tap the good. This book shares lessons that the whole world can live by.
Get your copy from or simply type the title of my book in the amazon website.Enjoy the read.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
The humor / inspirational book - Tap the Good: Are you harvesting or hassling?
The humor / inspirational book - Tap the Good: Are you harvesting or hassling?: "If you are hassling, then there is a likability that you are in a place that you don’t want to be. I am overly certain that each one of us..."
Are you harvesting or hassling?
If you are hassling, then there is a likability that you are in a place that you don’t want to be. I am overly certain that each one of us wants to be doing what we love, using less effort but achieving maximum efficiency.
Hassling implies that a part of you is entangled in forcing things to manifest your way. Life is not supposed to be about force. Force is a weakness characterized by the fear to lose. So, what are you afraid of losing? Why are you holding on it so tightly? What is blocking you? Is it you or your external world?
Examine your inner inner, and identify those blocks that hinder you from your full expression, then put your foot down and claim your destiny. It is time for us all to harvest. We all deserve the good stuff.
You wanna know how? Check out my new humor, mystery and inspirational book – Do not Force it, Tap the Good. For details visit or
For comments, please send emails to
Peace and blessings.
Friday, June 24, 2011
The humor / inspirational book - Tap the Good: What is the perceived meaning of the term "BAD"?
The humor / inspirational book - Tap the Good: What is the perceived meaning of the term "BAD"?: "'Bad' simply means that, what has manifested is not what was expected. It is that gap between the manifestation and the expectations' stages..."
What is the perceived meaning of the term "BAD"?
"Bad" simply means that, what has manifested is not what was expected. It is that gap between the manifestation and the expectations' stages. This gap determines one's perception of his or her consideration of whether a situation should be considered as bad or good.
The gap is also an individualistic mental activity that is capable of initiating a silent conversation in the mind, with conviction of what should be perceptively concluded.
The key issues here are "mind" and "conviction". One's mind especially when corrupted by the ego will be convinced that a situation is bad and that there is nothing else beyond that experience. So, how and why does the ego corrupt the mind?
Check out my new humor, mystery and inspirational book, DO NOT FORCE IT , TAP THE GOOD to discover more. You can get your autographed copy upon request from - To contact me for questions or comments please email me at
The gap is also an individualistic mental activity that is capable of initiating a silent conversation in the mind, with conviction of what should be perceptively concluded.
The key issues here are "mind" and "conviction". One's mind especially when corrupted by the ego will be convinced that a situation is bad and that there is nothing else beyond that experience. So, how and why does the ego corrupt the mind?
Check out my new humor, mystery and inspirational book, DO NOT FORCE IT , TAP THE GOOD to discover more. You can get your autographed copy upon request from - To contact me for questions or comments please email me at
Thursday, June 23, 2011
The humor / inspirational book - Tap the Good: Mystery and humor used to inspire
The humor / inspirational book - Tap the Good: Mystery and humor used to inspire: "Indeed there is a humor side to all situations in life. Life although mysterious, is good all the time. It is all about balance. Once you fi..."
The humor / inspirational book - Tap the Good: Do not Despair
The humor / inspirational book - Tap the Good: Do not Despair: "Are you despairing about a loss or a situation that you didn’t see coming? Is it unpleasant? Have you lost all hope and cannot see anything ..."
The humor / inspirational book - Tap the Good: Do Not Force it, Tap the Good
The humor / inspirational book - Tap the Good: Do Not Force it, Tap the Good: "I am certain that people are tired of the old fashioned way writers have presented their inspirational books in the past. My reacton to this..."
Friday, June 17, 2011
Mystery and humor used to inspire
Indeed there is a humor side to all situations in life. Life although mysterious, is good all the time. It is all about balance. Once you find the mental key to accessing your emotional state of confidence and certainity that there is something so good happening at all times, then you are in heaven on earth. Check out details on my website (http://www.tapthegood/) for my new amazing inspirational book - Do not Force it, TAP THE GOOD. -
Do not Despair
Are you despairing about a loss or a situation that you didn’t see coming? Is it unpleasant? Have you lost all hope and cannot see anything good in your situation? Do you think that the world and/or God could be against you because you are going through too much and it is one thing after another? Well, unfortunately, you are in your own way. Stop, slow down and remember that there is an invisible world around us that is bigger than we can ever imagine. What we see is just a tiny little fraction of the entire picture. If you are looking for answers about identifying and tapping into the ever inexhaustible good that is always available, find out details from my new mystery, humor and inspiration book excerpt on my website at Buy a copy from the site.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Do Not Force it, Tap the Good
I am certain that people are tired of the old fashioned way writers have presented their inspirational books in the past. My reacton to this issue was for me to write a book that embraces the new age plus a lot of humor, since it induces laughter, which apparently lifts up our moods more than many other things. My new book is titled "Do not Force it, Tap the Good' and it will be available in book stores and major online distributors in about 2 weeks. Every chapter and suggestion is justified by a story. Readers of all age groups, sex orientation or social class will find the content in the book very interesting because it digs deep and discusses stuff that is normally ignored. Even skeptical readers will not be disappointed.
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